039: Selling Made Simple with Reuben Swartz

Selling Made Simple

Do you absolutely hate the sales process, so much so that you dread Monday mornings because it means getting yourself back into the grind again? 

In this insightful episode of More Clients Less Effort, Tim Hyde interviews Reuben Swartz, founder of Mimiran, a CRM designed specifically for independent consultants. Reuben shares the start of his journey working at a software company to starting his own consulting firm, where he struggled with sales and marketing until realising he needed a better approach tailored for solo consultants.

Reuben discusses the importance of clearly defining your ideal client and having intentional conversations with them, rather than trying to be all things to all people. He explains how Mimiran guides users through this process, prompting them to specify exactly who they serve, what they do for clients, and their unique origin story.

Tim and Reuben stress that selling doesn’t have to feel sleazy — it’s about having authentic discussions aimed at genuinely helping those you’re suited to serve. They share actionable tips for leveraging your existing connections and staying top-of-mind through simple interactions like commenting on posts.

If you want to be equipped with practical tools for transforming sales from an energy drain into an enjoyable relationship-building process that consistently yields new clients, this episode is for you.


  • An introduction to  Reuben Swartz? (00:20)
  • Reuben’s journey to software development (01:15)
  • Why Reuben favours working with owner/operator-led consulting businesses (06:30)
  • The reasons solo consultants seek help when they start out or begin to struggle in their business (10:59)
  • Two simple steps in the sales process (13:15) 
  • Why it’s challenging to narrow down who it is we serve (15:34)
  • How Mimiran helps consultants turn leads to conversations and the value of consistently connecting with the right people (21:57)
  • The Influence Pyramid (31:22)
  • Quickfire questions with Reuben (32:31)


“Your sales process is really simple. Two steps — figure out exactly who you want to talk to, and talk to them. If you do those two things, good things will happen. And if you don’t do those things, you’re gonna struggle.” – Reuben Swartz

“This is the superpower we have. We can be intentional about who we’d really like to work with. This is going to make our lives so much easier, that’s going to let us have greater impact.” – Reuben Swartz

“There’s nothing so liberating as feeling like you have a healthy pipeline. I think one of the mistakes I made that I see time and time again people making is we don’t actively nurture our pipeline. We don’t have those conversations.” – Reuben Swartz

“People love to buy, but they don’t like to be sold to.” – Tim Hyde

“It’s not just visibility and credibility. It’s also likeability that helps you in business.” – Tim Hyde

“You’re probably better in your business than most people. But by doing everything, you can’t do the one thing that moves the needle the most.” – Tim Hyde

Get in touch with REUBEN SWARTZ