Scaling a Physical Therapy Practice

It may sound cliché but one’s passion, determination, and unwavering commitment to helping others are the foundation of business success. However, the entrepreneurial journey is never smooth sailing and is oftentimes filled with difficult challenges along the way. So how can you as a business owner navigate these challenges and come out stronger on the other side? 

In this episode of More Clients, Less Effort podcast, we delve into the remarkable journey of Sturdy McKee, a seasoned physical therapist and accomplished business coach. He has over 20 years experience in his field and has managed to expand his physical therapy practice to six locations, and also helps business owners achieve their personal and professional goals.

Sturdy shares the valuable lessons he learned in business – the importance of systems, scaling at the right pace, hiring and empowering employees, and understanding customers’ needs while delivering exceptional service. 

His experiences are a testament that challenges, setbacks, and pivotal moments are necessary to achieve a remarkable trajectory. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a business owner looking for guidance, this episode will inspire you to scale and pursue excellence.


  • The entrepreneurial journey of Sturdy (01:28)
  • Sturdy’s personal journey and challenges in running a business (07:07)
  • Key aspects of business growth and development (11:34)
  • The most important hires in business (13:05)
  • The significance of putting a premium on customer experience (16:52)
  • Why a shift in marketing approach and client acquisition is necessary (22:20)
  • Rapid-fire questions with Sturdy McKee (25:11)


“The systems that got you to 10 employees aren’t going to get you to 50. You’ve got to revamp, reorganize, and rethink or maybe use different tools and different people.” -Sturdy McKee

“The coach’s job is to empower the players to be the best they can be and put them in the right position.” -Sturdy McKee

“The business is there to serve us, not us to serve the business. If we lose sight of the purpose of business, we may grow but growth is not the same thing as scale.” -Tim Hyde

“Your business will transition as you build it.  The customers you had at the start are not necessarily the customers that you have at the end. So, it’s important to know at what point do you let your customers go on to the next thing.” -Tim Hyde


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