The Sales Machine w/ Tim Hyde – The Marketing Lab #43

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The reason? Well, I’ve has just launched an awesome and free eBook called The Sales Machine. So, when we read that, ” … the best part of the book is that if you implement all of the strategies it ultimately means less work for you”, we were all in!

In this interview, I walks you through the steps you need to go through to transform your business into a sales machine. It’s a great interview because, whilst you might not believe it now, the secret to smart marketing really is simplicity.

Mastering my five simple strategies is the key to generating more (and better) leads, closing them faster, for more money, and gaining confidence as your business grows stronger and more stable.

I have one goal with his eBook – To help you take what you’ve created and give you a structure where you can consistently generate leads and opportunities, and maximize those opportunities, for selling it to your target market.

One you’ve listened to the podcast, be sure to head to and head to Resources to download the book for free!

I hope you enjoy episode 43, brought to you by our refreshment sponsor, Tortured Gum Brewery, and our venue host, the Canberra Innovation Network.

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Tim Hyde

Tim Hyde

Tim is an Infusionsoft certified partner, fixer and seasoned business growth strategist with real world business experience. Tim works with coaches, consultants and small business owners to help them get more time money and freedom from their business by optimising and automating the customer lifecycle.

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